I’m Dani, a 22-year-old makeup artist from Toronto! I work with influencers and celebrities to get them ready for events and red carpets. I also create content for beauty brands from around the world!

1. What event would you love to attend?

The Met. It will never happen in this lifetime, but I love a good party with a theme, and I think the getting ready aspect of the night would be so much fun.

2. What are your hosting must haves?

ALWAYS a charcuterie board or charcuterie table. A party isn’t complete without one.

3. What's the best party you've ever been to?

My bat mitzvah. I went to the Taylor Swift concert with all my friends, and it was the best night of my life.

4. I can’t go to a party without…

A digital camera!

5. My perfect party has to have…

A good game. Playing games with strangers and getting to know people is the most fun party activity ever.

6. Who are your three dream dinner party guests (alive or dead)?

Jonah Hill

Adam Sandler

Phoebe Waller-Bridge

7. what’s your go-to cocktail or Mocktail?

Dirty gin martini, extra olives ALWAYS.

8. The song I never skip on my party playlist is…

Anything by Taylor Swift.

Follow Dani’s adventures on TikTok and instagram, and read more about her in Sheesh magazine!


